Monday, April 14, 2014

Artifact #1 Content Page 1

From: "Jennifer L. Alvarado" <>
Subject: Student Art Show-Center for the Arts
Date: April 8, 2014 at 1:10:55 PM EDT
To: "Debbie Fahmie" <>, "Pamela Haas" <>,,

This year, Gerri Jergensen partnered with the Center for the Arts to work on her senior project for UCF.  She and Jeremiah have been phenomenal to work with as exciting changes have been made!  We have collaborated to make these changes to the Student Art Exhibit at the Center for the Arts to make it an even better experience for our artists!  Judges were selected who have experience in an art related field, whether art educators or actual artists themselves.  These wonderful people volunteered their time and talent to judge this show and provide feedback to each student.  Please see previously sent e-mail for the judge bio's.  Also, Gerri worked on creating a rubric for the judges to use while scoring the artwork.  For K-2-Judges just made positive comments about each piece of art.  For 3-5, Middle School and High School students, judges scored the art based on the rubric, and made comments (positive and constructive).  We thought this would make it more meaningful for the artists to see what they did really fabulously at, and what they can continue to work to improve upon.  It can also give them things to ponder while creating artwork in the future.  On Monday, May 5th you will be picking up your artwork from the Center.  On this day, you will receive certificates and also the scoring rubrics for each of your pieces.  Please pass this information along to your students.

We hope these changes have made this show even better than in past years!  Gerri has worked so hard on this project and I truly appreciate her and Jeremiah's dedication to our visual artists. If you have any comments, or additional suggestions for improvement, please don't hesitate to e-mail me directly.  Thank you so much!

Jennifer Alvarado
*Art Teacher*
Chestnut Elementary for Science and Engineering

"Every child is an artist.  The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."  ~Pablo Picasso

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