Monday, April 14, 2014

Content Page 1

Gerri Jergensen

Highly Organized

Since high school I have actively participated in organizations within the community that gave people the opportunity to be a part of something that wasn’t available to them at their juncture in life. I started the Underprivileged Children’s Group while in school and gave children a place to  go after school, to play, do homework, and have company while their parents were working. I also organized a christmas party so these children received gifts and a holiday meal that was ran completely on donations from the community.

While finishing my college education I had a chance to join my education along with my experience of organization and put together an art exhibition for the students in the Osceola school district. While working with the school system and the Center for the Arts, I put together an exhibition with 275 pieces and 26 different schools. I created new rubrics for the judges and brought judges with the back ground and education to not only choose ‘best in show’, but also provide feedback to all participants on their work and what they can continue to strive for in perfecting their passion for the arts.  I was given complete control and a very short time frame to do this and it was a complete success.

Within your organization I can not only offer my vast knowledge of art, but I can also open your doors to schools and organizations throughout the community that will give children the opportunity to explore the desire to create and develop works of art that will inspire them to continue throughout their lives.

Attached you will see photos of the event, rubrics used to judge, and a letter from one of the teachers involved with the Osceola county school system. This experience was not only exciting but also gave me idea’s to better utilize one of the three galleries on a continual bases with the schools and different themes throughout the school year. This would add more patrons to want to come and explore the center and additional school tours to give our community artists a place to proudly show their art within the community where they live.

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