Monday, April 14, 2014

Artifact #1 Content Page 2

Gerri Jergensen,

    I just wanted to thank you for your help this semester.  I know how difficult it is in this economy to give both time and goods and you’ve blessed us with both!  Your help with liners has put us closer to our goal of 100 kits a year and your donation of 1200 wash clothes is an amazing gift.  Your wash clothes were placed in each of the 75 kits sent to Malawaii, in Africa, and will go into each of the next 1200 kits made by DFG Treasure Coast and distributed worldwide! 
    Your time and donation, has value and we are so glad you chose to give your time and help to us.  It’s volunteers like you that make our team, and Days for Girls Int., flourish.  I hope, that in the future, when you decide to take on another volunteer project you will turn to DFGTC again.

Thanks Again,
Jessica Bejarano
Team Leader, DFGTC

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